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 AQA Trilogy and Triple Science

Welcome to the new 9-1 GCSE revision section. It's easy to use, just click into each science to find resources for each unit.

Year 11 Mock


There will be three papers. One each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Combined science students will sit papers of 75 mins. Triple papers are 105 minutes. The topics covered are:

Biology :  Covering Cells, organisation, infection and response. 


Chemistry:   Covering Atomic structure, bonding, quantitative chemistry, chemical change. 


Physics : Covering Energy, electricity, the particle model of matter and atomic structure.

How can I best revise?

The science team have put together a day by day revision guide for you. Follow it and you will really improve your chances in the mock.


Year 11 GCSE 

There are six papers in total and this will gain you 2 GCSEs for the combined Science:

2 for biology, 2 for chemistry and 2 for physics these will all be taken at the end of Year 11 in the Summer exams.


Each paper is 1hr 15mins – 70 marks (16.7% of the GCSE)

The TRILOGY specification can be found here:

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